Damage Report Form

Residents of Traverse County, individuals, and government agents may use this form below to report damage due to storms, floods, natural hazards, or other disasters.

Traverse County will use the information submitted below to assess the situation and determine the approximate dollar value of the damage. Some damage may be eligible for Federal Disaster Assistance.

Please note that this form is only used to provide an estimate. A more formal report may be conducted.

    What date did the damage take place?

    Where is the damage located?

    This damage was to:
    Public/Government PropertyIndividual PropertyBusiness Property

    Estimated Damage Amount:

    For damage more than $10,000, please enter an estimate:

    Please describe the damage:

    If you are reporting damage to public property or public cooperative owned property, please enter your name, phone number and an e-mail address if available.

    Your Name:

    Phone Number:

    Your E-mail: