
Land Use Ordinance

For purposes of enforcing the Traverse County Ordinances,
a zoning permit application shall be required of all persons prior to:

Erection of signs, except political and real estate signs
that conform to the standards of Section 19.05.

Shoreland Alterations, including removal of trees
and shoreland vegetation.

Land Alterations, including mineral extraction and landfills.

Erection, alteration or relocation of feedlots,
holding ponds, and slurry systems.

Location of all essential services.

Fences (not including open fences), retaining walls,
berms and landscaping higher than two (2) feet.

Fences (not including open fences), retaining walls,
berms and landscaping higher than two (2) feet.

The construction or modification of a dam or dike.

Within the flood plain, prior to the erection, addition,
or alteration of any building, structure, or portion thereof;
prior to the use or change of use of a building, structure, or land;
prior to the change or extension of a nonconforming use;
and prior to the placement of fill, excavation of materials,
or the storage of materials or equipment.

The addition of a bedroom to a residence,
either by creating additional space
or by the conversion of existing space.