Failure to pay by or appear in court by
the date indicated on your ticket will be
considered a plea of guilty and waiver of
trial for petty misdemeanor offenses,
and may result in one or more of the
following actions being taken against you:
§ Certification of charges to your driving record,
§ Drivers License suspension,
§ Issuance of a bench warrant for your arrest,
§ Referral of your debt to a collection agency.
If referred, the collection agency will assess
additional fees. The collection agency is authorized
to take the following actions to collect your debt:
levy your bank account, seize your property,
file a judgment or lien which will affect your credit rating,
revoke or deny personal or business license,
offset vendor payments owed to you by a state agency,
levy wages, seize tax refunds or refer your debt.
It is your responsibility to notify
the Court of a change of address