Checking Your Fine Balance

To access your fine account balance online,
visit the Minnesota Judicial Branch at

1. Click on “Find Court Records”

2. Select “Access Trial Court Records”

3. Read and accept the Terms of Use.
This will bring you to the Minnesota Public Access Remote View.

4. From the drop-down menu select Traverse

5. From the list of options, select Criminal/Traffic/Petty Case Records

6. From the Search By drop-down menu, you have the option of searching by Case, Defendant, Citation or Attorney.
If you are searching by case number,
remember to enter 78 at the beginning.

7. From your search results, locate and click on the
blue hyperlink of the case you want to review.

8. On the register of actions page,
scroll to the bottom of the page to review
the Financial Information portion
of the case for the balance owing.

Please note:

If there is any reference in the “other events and hearings”
section of the register of action that the case has been
referred to collections you will need to contact the
Department of Revenue at


as the balance that is owed will be different
than the amount due to collection fees.