Welcome to our Website!
Welcome to the Traverse County website! We hope this new site will help you find what you are looking for in fewer clicks. There are a number of quick links on the home page for easy access to some of our county resident’s most frequently requested content. Government Departments and County Services are also now […]
Traverse County Phone Numbers
ASSESSOR: 320-422-7735 AUDITOR-TREASURER: 320-422-7740 BOIS DE SIOUX WATERSHED: 320-563-4185 COUNTY ATTORNEY: 320-422-7795 CORRECTIONS/PROBATION: 320-422-2320 COUNTY COORDINATOR: 320-422-7778 COURT ADMINISTRATION: 320-422-6010 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 320-563-0872 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: 320-563-4848 SHOP-WHEATON: 320-563-4233 SHOP-DUMONT: 320-563-8443 SHOP-TINTAH: 218-369-2428 SHOP-BROWNS VALLEY: 320-695-2204 HUMAN RESOURCES: 320-422-7778 LICENSE BUREAU: 320-422-7738 MAINTENANCE: 320-422-7725 PLANNING & ZONING: 320-422-7734 PUBLIC HEALTH: 800-450-4177 RECORDER: 320-422-7745 SHERIFF: 320-422-7800 BV […]